Podcast/Video Interviews by Stephen Ibaraki

A Chat with Hannah Töpler: Founder and CEO of Intrare

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Hannah Töpler.

Hannah TöplerEnglish

Hannah Töpler is the founder and CEO of Intrare, a startup that builds novel AI models for unbiased and highly precise recruitment. Their SaaS solution empowers companies to hire without bias and with a new level of efficiency.

Hannah advises AI based projects and companies and is part of Women in AI. She speaks and writes about AI for Good, AI product design, bias, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), leadership, migration and climate change.

Previously, she was in charge of developing new business and impact strategies with local and international teams for Oxfam Mexico and Oxfam International. She worked with the German Representation to the UN, as well as for think tanks and social impact organizations in Brussels and Geneva, working extensively on job market dynamics and innovative solutions. Hannah holds a master's degree from the London School of Economics.


Hannah Töpler es la fundadora y CEO de Intrare, una startup que construye novedosos modelos de IA para un reclutamiento sin sesgos y altamente preciso. Su solución SaaS permite a las empresas contratar sin prejuicios y con un nuevo nivel de eficiencia.

Hannah asesora a empresas y proyectos basados en IA y forma parte de Women in AI. Habla y escribe sobre IA for Good, diseño de productos de IA, sesgos, Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI), liderazgo, migración y cambio climático.

Anteriormente, estuvo a cargo del desarrollo de nuevos negocios y estrategias de impacto con equipos locales e internacionales para Oxfam México y Oxfam Internacional. Trabajó con la Representación Alemana ante la ONU, así como para think tanks y organizaciones de impacto social en Bruselas y Ginebra, trabajando extensamente en dinámicas del mercado laboral y soluciones innovadoras. Hannah tiene un máster por la London School of Economics.
