Podcast/Video Interviews by Stephen Ibaraki

A Chat with Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp: Founder & Chairman, Dhanin Tawee Chearavanont Foundation; Chairman, Buddharaksa Foundation; Vice President, Blue Carbon Society Association; Founder & Chairman, Chairman of The Executive Committee DTGO Corporation Limited (DTGO)

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp.

Thippaporn AhriyavrarompMrs. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp is a Thai business leader and philanthropist who has set out to achieve ambitious social and environmental goals, building "a community of smart and good-hearted people who care for the world at large".

She founded DTGO in 1993 to integrate social contribution with business success.

DTGO includes Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), a property developer whose brand and projects cater for a range of healthy, sustainable lifestyles. The MQDC Idyllias spearheads a metaverse that connects the real and virtual worlds for the sustainable happiness of all life. The Estate is a real estate consultancy serving MQDC tenants and owners.

DT Design is an architecture studio. Dees Supreme specializes in global procurement and trading. DTGO Prosperous focuses on ethical finance. DigitaLife Corporation (DLC) is an expert in digital asset platforms. DT EXIM procures and develops furnishings and building materials that enhance sustainability and well-being.

DTGO is also engaged in joint ventures that promote sustainable development. Obodroid and Obotrons develop robotics technologies and automation innovations, including Home Intelligent Systems. Unisus Green Power designs and operates environment-friendly energy and utility systems. Brites is a lifestyle and entertainment business.

The group supports many laboratories and research units. Research & Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC) is Asi's first research base for sustainable building with a focus on well-being. FutureTales Lab is a futurology center to gather, analyze, and interpret data to find solutions for humankind's future well-being.

The group's Superlab also includes Brandeation Lab, Creative Lab, Design Lab, Unbox Lab, and UrbanAction Lab. Each unit gathers and develops knowledge not only for the company but to share with the public.

Societal Initiatives

Mrs. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp's support for social efforts focuses on 3 fundamental pillars for sustainable development: education, healthcare, and the environment. Based on her vision of "business-social integration", Mrs. Thippaporn's societal contributions embody ethical, stakeholder-centric, and ecosystem-centric business conduct and philanthropic missions through charitable arms.

Buddharaksa Foundation is a Thai-registered charity with a primary focus on access to quality education for underprivileged children. Dhanin Tawee Chearavanont Foundation is a Thai - and Hong Kong-registered charity with a healthcare focus. Blue Carbon Society Association is an initiative to enrich marine ecosystems to combat climate change.

Forest for Life Foundation by The Forestias promotes meaningful and impactful environmental initiatives in Thailand and worldwide. Buddharaksa Family Association is a platform for Buddharaksa Foundation's scholarship students and like-minded individuals to scale up their social initiatives. The Givers Network connects givers to enhance their impact for good.

The administration of these social organizations and their activities is supported by 2% of DTGO's topline revenue.

Organizational Development

DTGO is committed to realizing the full potential of all its staff, known within the group as FAMZ. Under the concept of a "YOUniversity", each FAMZ can access courses to develop skills and knowledge that unlock their personal and professional development.

The group has also invested in its FAMZ with its new headquarters, DTGO CampUs. The offices are set in green and encompass extensive facilities for learning, entertainment, well-being, sport, art, hobbies, and healthcare. DTGO's dedication to its human resources has won repeated "HR Asia Best Companies to Work For" awards. The group is also the first Thai company to appear among the "World's Most Ethical Companies", a list curated by the US-based Ethisphere Institute.


  • 2024 Bangkok Post's Women of the Year "Corporate Sustainability & Social Responsibility Leader" from Bangkok Post 2024/detail/story_thippaporn
  • 2024 Saint Francis of Assisi Award 2024 from Catholic Association of Thailand, Port Authority of Thailand, and the Sub-Committee on Morals and Ethics Khun-Thippaporn-Ahriyavraromp-for-Saint-Francis-of-Assisi-Award
  • 2022 AWEN Award 2022 from the ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs' Network
  • 2022 Outstanding Women Leaders for Green Growth Award 2022 from BPW Thailand, MSDHS, and UNDP
  • 2021 Women of the Year 2021 Award from "One Million Good Deeds for the Nation" by Thai Society Foundation
  • 2020 PropertyGuru Icon Award for leading innovation and CSR in Asia-Pacific real estate
  • 2019 Heroes of Philanthropy from Forbes Asia, one of 30 selected for the region
  • 2019 Outstanding ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Award
  • 2017 Outstanding Women in Management of Large-scale Business award from Thailand's Ministry of Labour
  • 2015 Person of the Year in the Real Estate Development Industry, from the Foundation of Science and Technology Council of Thailand
  • 2014 Leading Asian Philanthropist, one of 48 individuals selected by Forbes Asia magazine
  • 2012 Real Estate Personality of the Year, from the Thailand Property Awards
  • 2011 Women who make a difference - philanthropy, a recognition from Thailand Tatler magazine

Ms. Ahriyavraromp holds a BSc in engineering from Boston University College of Engineering.

Referenced points of interest