A Chat with Laura Giadorou Koch: CEO of Dolium Wines, about creating awareness and inspiring people and companies as a force for good

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Laura Giadorou Koch.

Laura Giadorou Koch"My life purpose is to inspire people and institutions to be a force for good."

Impact investor, system social entrepreneur and philanthropist for close to two decade focusing in microfinance, innovation technologies and education.

Currently, CEO of Dolium Bodega Subterranea, a B Certified Company (B Corp), awarded since 2014 “The Best for the World: Environment” by B

Founder of the B Women & Mujeres B movement affiliated with B that seeks to inspire sustainability business leaders with female values and measurable annual commitments to create lasting change.

Practiced corporate law at several Wall Street law firms specializing in cross-border transactions for Latin American and European clients during the 80's and 90's. Licensed lawyer in Argentina and the State New York.

Published articles for the Wall Street Journal, Real Leaders Magazine, Huffington Post, and several Argentine newspapers that reflect her values to create more transparency and partnerships.

Spoke on impact investing, sustainability and technology innovation solutions multiple times at the United Nations, YPO Leadership Summits, Prestel & Partners Forums, KivaU, SAP, Opportunity Collaboration. Lecture on social entrepreneurship, NONFLICT Methodology, B Corp movement and microfinance at the Universities of NYU, Columbia, Fordham, London Business, Franklin Switzerland, and Lancaster, as well as in public and private high schools.

Serve in Boards and Advisory Boards:

  • For-profit organization that are exemplary in the social and environmental sustainability. (Avangard Innovative, CoreBrick Europe, Nardagani).
  • Non-profit organization focused on scaling and advancing innovation in education with a focus on social and emotional intelligence skills (Million Peacemakers, Think Equal USA, Minga Peru, Real Lives, Eye to Eye National and BUILD).

Volunteered for Ashoka as Senior Advisor and for Young President's Organization (YPO) as Chair for the Social Engagement Network, Chair of the Helping Disadvantaged Kids Network, Officer for the Sustainable Business Network and Social Impact Counsel Networks. Served as a judge for various awards focusing on innovative Social Enterprise: Alquity Foundation, YPO Social Engagement Network, Ashoka, UN Impact Media Award and Accion Microfinance/La Idea Pitch.

Recognitions: United Nations Social Impact Award (2018); Real Leaders: 100 Visionary Leaders (2015); B Corp Ambassador (2014). Memberships: The Economic Club of New York City (since 2007); Cosmopolitan Club (since 2005); Women Corporate Directors (since 2004).

Link to BIOGRAPHY/PROFILE: Laura Giadorou Koch, Esq. Juris Doctor (JD) and Master of Laws