
Podcast/Video Interviews by Stephen Ibaraki

A Chat with Robert Cohen: Economist; Senior fellow at the Economics Strategy Institute; Researcher; Co-founder NYSERNet about the Impact of the Acceleration and Integration of the different types of technology including Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, AI, 5G, Quantum Computing

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Robert Cohen.

Robert CohenRobert Cohen is an economist and senior fellow at the Economic Strategy Institute. He directs a study of the impact of cloud computing, machine learning, AI, smart factories and 5G on the U.S. economy. He developed New York State's first technology strategy and chaired the state's High Technology Council. With two co-founders, he created NYSERNet, New York's part of the U.S. Internet.

Dr. Cohen has been Associate Professor of International Business and Finance at New York University Business School, Associate Professor of Finance and Economics at York College of the City University of New York, and Senior International Economist at the Futures Group. Dr. Cohen served as executive director for the TM Forum's Enterprise Cloud Leadership Council. He is a past president of the Forecasters Club of New York.

He holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research and a B.A. from Swarthmore College. He is an author, co-author, or editor of four books, including: Changing the Face of the Internet. Virtual Worlds and the Information Economy; Nontariff Barriers to High-Technology Trade; The Multinational Corporation: A Radical Approach – Papers of Stephen H. Hymer and The New North American Order.