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CIPS CONNECTIONSINTERVIEWS by STEPHEN IBARAKI, I.S.P.Internationally Renowned Certification and Security Expert; Wireless Authority; Widely-regarded Writer, Author and Trainer This week, Stephen Ibaraki, I.S.P., has an exclusive interview with Will Schmied, BSET, MCSE, CWNA, TICSA, MCSA, Security+, Network+, and A+. Will is President of Area 51 Partners, Inc. (Area51Partners.com), a provider of wired and wireless networking implementation, security, and training services. Will holds a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering technology from Old Dominion University along with his various IT industry certifications. In addition to his activities with Area 51 Partners, Inc., Will operates the MCSE certification portal MCSE World (MCSEWorld.com). Will’s writing and authoring credits encompass books, articles, self-study guides, and practice exams published by groups such as Que Publishing, Sybex, Syngress, Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP), Osborne McGraw Hill, TechProGuild TechRepublic, CramSession.com, MSExchange.org, ISAserver.org, Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine, and SelfTest Software. His book credits alone for QUE include: 1) MCSA/MCSE Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment Exam Cram 2 (Exam 70-284) 2) MCSE Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment Exam Cram 2 (Exam 70-296) 3) MCSE 70-293 Training Guide: Planning and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure 4) MCSA/MCSE 70-291 Training Guide: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure 5) MCSA Training Guide (70-218): Managing a Windows 2000 Network Environment 6) MCSE Windows 2000 Server Exam Cram 2 (Exam 70-215) 7) Special Edition Using Windows XP Professional, Bestseller Edition 8) Platinum Edition Using Windows XP Due to his highly refined expertise, Will has also worked directly with Microsoft in the MCSE exam-development process. Discussion: Q: Will, you have an impressive background in certification, wireless, security, and Windows-based technologies. Thank you for coming in to do this interview. A: It's my pleasure, thank you so much for the opportunity. Q: Your wife Chris and children, Christopher, Austin, Andrea, and Hannah must have some opinions. What do they say about their famous IT “guru” dad? A: Heh, that's kind of funny in a way. Chris is acutely aware of almost every thing I do, although sometimes she probably wishes she were not. Our children are almost oblivious to the fact of what I do, which is probably for the best. They do know that I have my name on quite a few books, although they usually do not spend too much time in the IT section of Barnes & Noble as their tastes run more towards the children's section. There was one time last year when I had one of my daughters with me in the IT section though looking for a particular book and she happened on one of mine…it kind of blew her mind to see her dad's name on this big huge book. Q: When you are not busy working, you find time being with your family or playing the latest video games. What are your favorite games and why? A: I guess the computer is just an integral part of my daily routine. It's been that way since I was in elementary school and I got my first experience on the Atari 400's of the day. Since then, my gaming tastes have changed as the times and technology has. In the "old days" of monochrome monitors and 8088 CPUs, I played many of the Infocom text games like Zork and so on. Today, I typically stick to strategy and action games. Some of my current favorites include Dungeon Siege and Delta Force Black Hawk Down. Of course, 2004 promises to be a big year with Half Life 2 and Doom III coming out, along with new versions of Dungeon Siege and Delta Force. Q: How did you get into computing? What challenges and lessons did you learn along the way to your current success? A: Oh, that's one of those lengthy questions. As I said previously, I got my first time on a computer using the Atari 400. About that same, the school also got some TRS-80's in the library. Of course, in middle school there were the Atari 800's and the Apple IIe's which had just started gaining popularity. In 1985, I got my first computer at home…the Tandy 1000. That thing was a beast to be sure, with two 5 Ľ inch 360 KB floppy drives, 128 MB of RAM and a 4.77 MHz 8086 CPU. Back then, hard drives were for the very wealthy as were color monitors, so I had the standard green monochrome monitor. I did a lot of programming in BASIC back then. When I got my first color monitor a year later, I really started to see use for the computer for things like word processing (yes, I was typing my English homework at home in the ninth grade) and playing games. Later I started programming the Apple IIe's in both BASIC and machine language. Of course, I still played many games. I guess by that time it was too late to change the fact that the computer would always be a part of my daily routine. I used the Internet back when it was really boring (and geeky) as a text only thing…then came Netscape 1.0 and my whole world changed. Everyone I knew would always come to me with his or her computer problems and thus it became official that I was a computer geek for life. I have worked with every version of Windows from 3.11 (sorry, I missed the first two versions) to Windows Server 2003 and everything in between. It was not until a few years ago that I decided I should take my experience and start doing something with it—like getting certified and so forth. Q: Give a profile of your certification portal, MCSEWorld.com. A: Let me preface the rest of this answer by saying that since the Internet went graphical, I've been building Web sites. At first, I started small using the 1 MB of space my ISP offered me and working with Netscape 3 Gold and Notepad. Eventually I moved up and started using more advanced tools, such as Front Page and Notepad with real domains that I owned. With that in mind, MCSE World was born out of my frustration with one particular large certification portal that just did not get it—they were completely out of touch with their member base in my mind. It was, and still is, my goal to provide a free certification portal that not only provides something to those who need it, but also remains in touch with its members. Member input is almost always taken into consideration when we consider major changes to the Web site. As well, we openly encourage members to become part of the site's success by letting members submit original articles and scripts for publication that remain their intellectual property. If you are working on or already have completed your MCDST, MCSA or MCSE, then MCSE World might be the place for you. Although our primary focus is on getting people certified, we are also a place for those who are already certified. We have a little bit of something for just about anyone working with Microsoft products. Q: Describe your latest projects with your company, Area 51 Partners Inc. A: We have actually put the business on the back burner lately, not taking on any new projects with the exception of some new authoring work. We wanted to slow down for some time, so it worked out good for all involved. Q: Where do you see yourself and your company in five years time? A: In regards to Area 51 Partners, I am sure it will be around in one form or another. We are actually moving to the Memphis area later this year, so the type of business we take on will likely change as a result. As for myself, I am sure I will still be very deep into the technology that makes this business so much fun to be in. I am starting to move up (and out) into other areas of professional knowledge, including (finally) getting some Cisco certifications done. I am also working towards the CISSP, which I think is still one of the most premier certifications there is…especially for those who are security minded. Q: Describe the context, meaning, and usefulness of each of your certifications. A: Well, I think most everyone is familiar with the A+ and Network+ certifications, so I will start with those as they often go together. Although these are entry-level certifications, I think they definitely have their place in this business. Being a true hardware geek from the old days, the A+ exams were not all that difficult for me…after all, I had supped up my Tandy 1000 to over clock it to something like 12 MHz….not an easy task back in those days. I think the true value in these two certifications lies in the broad base of knowledge they represent—like your underclass courses for a college degree. I've seen seasoned MCSEs who couldn't install a network adapter before—it was a sad sight. The Security+ certification is also considered entry level, but is somewhat more difficult in nature due to its specialized subject matter than the A+ or Network+ are. Anyone who wants to be the security part of IT needs to start out with Security+ at some point in time. The TruSecure ICSA (TICSA) certification is also considered by some to be an entry-level security certification, along with the SSCP certification, and is actually very similar to the Security+ exam. As for the MCSA and MCSE, a lot of people really don’t understand the difference or the need for separate certifications. Microsoft has started to disclose details of a four-tier certification program for network administrators. The MCDST certification is the first tier of this program and is targeted at those help desk personnel that support Windows and Office products. The MCSA is the second tier of this program and is targeted at more experienced administrators who typically manage and maintain existing networks, but don't expand or implement any new functionality. The MCSE is the third tier of this program is targeted at more advanced and knowledge network administrators that are typically responsible for things such as the daily operation of the network, installing and configuring new servers, implementing new services and so forth. The line between senior MCSA and junior MCSE often is a blurry one at best. The fourth tier of this program is the yet to be officially announced "architect" certification that I suspect will be similar in both difficulty and value to the CCIE…perhaps even with a hands on lab as part of the final certification. Q: Which three certifications are the most beneficial today and which ones would be the most useful in three years time? A: Well that really depends on the experience level of the person...so I'll look at it from the point of view of some one trying to break into the market. Today: Security+, CCNA, OCP. In three years: CCNA, MCSE (I think it will regain its value), OCP. I think that Oracle certifications are poised to become very valuable in the next few years. Q: You have authored countless study and exam prep guides. What are your top ten suggestions for efficient learning? A: 1) Know what you are tying to accomplish. Are you trying to prepare for a specific certification exam or are you trying to deepen your level of knowledge on a specific topic? The way you go about learning is somewhat dependent on what you are trying to learn and why. 2) Get plenty of hands on experience. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever replace the value of actually doing something yourself. Whether it's creating and configuring that new DHCP scope or running SQL queries against a database, hands on experience will show you whether or not you're ready to do it on a live production network. 3) Have a safe test environment that you can work in. This goes hand in hand with number 2—you need to have a test environment to work in so that when disaster strikes, no harm is done to a production network. This makes the learning process much more beneficial because sometimes it pays to blow up the network. 4) Pick a time and place that works best for you. Some people can study anywhere at any time. If you are one of those people, keep some notes or a small book with you wherever you go. If you can only study effectively in a quiet place, such as at home, then do not try to do it elsewhere. 5) Get your family involved. If you have a family, let them know what you're trying to do and get them involved in it so that they will understand its importance to you. Does this mean that I am telling you to have your eight year old configure that router for you? Not unless he or she can... What it does mean is that you should not exclude those that are closest to you from this part of your life—especially when it can become a major part of your life. 6) Don't spend more than you have to. I am a big proponent of self-study and to be honest, I've never sat in a training course. If you do not have the money, don't borrow it to take classroom training. There are so many free and low cost resources available in book stores, the library and on the Internet that no one should be paying for training they can't afford—and probably don't need. 7) Let your employer foot the bill. If your employer will spring for training classes, certification exams or even college classes let them! Be sure to check into this as you might be surprised what your employer might be willing to do to help a valued employee succeed. 8) Don't be brand loyal. When buying books, get the one that best suits your needs and personal preferences even if it is not from a publisher you have used before. On the other hand, if you really do prefer a specific style of writing, then you may want to consider sticking to a particular author or publisher. Just remember this little fact: even though Ford Motor Company has made quite a few good cars, they were responsible for the Pinto. 9) Don’t single source your reference material. One of the worst things you can do when studying, in my opinion, is to single source your reference material. I am not saying you should go out and buy three or four different publishers’ study guides, but you should consider getting two. If you cannot afford two, then you need to for sure get into the vendor’s knowledge base and the vendor’s free resources. As an example, I prepare for all of the beta exams I take by using the reference material available on the Microsoft Web site that pertains to the product at hand—it is invaluable material and the price is always right. 10) Set a deadline for yourself. The worst thing you can do is never commit to a date for test day…you have to have a goal in sight that you are working for. I find that I study much better once I have put down my money for the exam. Q: Describe the usefulness of experience versus certification versus academic credentials. If you could have only two of the three—which ones would they be and why? A: That is a tough one as all three can be very valuable. If I could only pick two of them, I would go with experience and certification. You must have experience in today’s market—that is a no brainer anymore. Five or so years ago you could get away just being certified—hence the paper MCSE phenomena that was rampant in the NT 4.0 days. That is most definitely no longer the case. While there are still too many “paper certified” individuals out there, it is slowly getting better as employers start to realize there is more to keeping the network running than having that MCSE certificate on the wall. Of course, I am not knocking the importance of the certification program either—being certified, and having the experience to back it up, means that you’ve dedicated yourself to that goal—to becoming a better MCSE or CCNA or whatever specific field you’re working in. People have asked me many times, “Should I get some certifications or should I finish my Bachelor’s degree”. Every time I am asked that question, I say the same thing: finish your degree. It makes you a better learner down the road when you start gaining those certifications. My good friend Robert Shimonski wrote a great article on this very topic last summer. You can read it here: http://www.certmag.com/articles/templates/cmag_feature.asp?articleid=287&zoneid=9 Q: Share your top ten tips from your many articles. A: 1) Don’t ever try something new without having a safety net. If you can work on a test lab while you are working with something new, do it! 2) User account templates are smart and save time. 3) Always use groups to assign user rights and permissions to users. 4) Always disable the Guest account. 5) Don’t forget about the little tools, such as the Task Manager. 6) Use Scheduled Tasks to the greatest extent you can…after all, why should you have to remember to run a defrag or backup job when you can schedule it? 7) Create and use scripts for tasks you will perform routinely, such as adding new users to the domain. 8) Don’t do things the hard way if you do not have to…make use of the many great GUI tools in Windows. 9) Don’t ignore a tool or utility you do not know anything about...learn how to use it. See number one in this list. 10) Never stop learning! The day you stop learning is the day you stop being an effective administrator. Q: As a security expert, give us your top five tips for planning and implementing security. A: 1) Determine where your most dangerous threat comes from. After that, determine what other threats, and their severity, you are facing. 2) Always use defense in depth (or layers of defense). Don’t rely on a single method, such as a firewall or passwords to keep your network secure…use many methods, such as an external firewall, an internal firewall, strong user passwords, IPSec on sensitive communications and EFS on sensitive files. If your network can support use, consider segmenting traffic according to level of access using VLANs or physical arrangement if required. 3) Don’t overlook the security tools that are present in Windows. Windows has gotten better and better at making your job easier, especially in Windows Server 2003. Take advantage of what you have to work with. 4) Don’t throw up a solution without thoroughly planning it out from end to end. The worst thing you can do is give yourself, and your boss, a false sense of security only to find out that your new solution had more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. 5) Documentation is a must. You absolutely must document each and every thing you do from the time you implement a solution onward. Every change that is made must be documented. This becomes especially important during upgrades and attacks. Q: What are your top five tips from planning and implementing wireless? A: 1) Take your time to be sure of what you’re doing. 2) Research all of the available means to accomplish your goal. 3) Stick to one vendor as much as possible. 4) Don’t ever install a wireless network with security. 5) If you do not absolutely need wireless, do not use it just because it is new and neat. Q: How can you plan and implement server roles and server security? A: I’m a big proponent of dividing server roles up between servers, meaning that I believe the DHCP server should only be providing DHCP and not file and print services. By that same token, you want to seriously consider using a screened subnet to house any servers that must be made available from the Internet. Never have any services or applications available on a server that don’t absolutely have to be there. Also, don’t forget about physical security by placing your servers in a secure, isolated room that has controlled access. Q: How can you plan, implement, and maintain a network infrastructure? A: This ties into the server roles idea in a way. If you can afford it, do not go cheap when implementing your network infrastructure. If possible, have at least two of everything in each major location on the network. Nothing is worse than having a critical network service such as DHCP or DNS fail and you are under the gun to get it fixed. When implementing multiple DHCP servers, configure them in pairs using the 70/30 or 80/20 rule to split up scope ranges, this will allow for some functionality should one server become unavailable. As for DNS, use Active Directory integrated if you can, it is really the best option. Use standard secondary servers in remote locations to provide faster name resolution. Of course, you will also want to have multiple RRAS, Terminal Services, WINS, file and print servers on your network as well to help distribute the load and make for a more reliable configuration. Take into consideration what type of network connectivity you have between sites as well. Lastly, remember to monitor the status of your network using your logs and a network sniffer from time to time--this will keep you up to date on what is going on. Q: What are the critical factors in planning, implementing, and maintaining server availability? A: Server availability comes in two basic forms: redundant servers, as I discussed above, and clustered servers. For services such as SQL and Exchange, you owe it yourself to consider building them as clusters. You can even cluster your DHCP and other network services servers if desired. Bottom line; do not ever leave yourself with just one of a particular server. Money is often times tight, but you have to find a way to get redundancy built into your network. Q: Comment on the keys areas for setting up and maintaining an Active Directory Infrastructure. A: The key to this is the same as most other things: planning. Active Directory has certainly made Windows a much more attractive network operating system. With the enhancements in Windows Server 2003, AD has never looked better. However, when you are planning a new infrastructure, take the time to determine what you really need. Draw it out on a piece of paper and see if it makes sense. Think about how many and where you will locate your domain controllers and global catalog servers. Take into consideration what type of network connectivity you have between sites as well. Redundancy in Active Directory is crucial to the proper and efficient operation of any size network, especially those that span more than one physical location. Q: Provide effective strategies for users, computers, and groups. A: The most important thing here, in my mind, is to plan some sort of role or task-based security before you start creating users and turning them loose on the network. This is where Organizational Units, security groups and Group Policy Objects come into play. You should determine what roles or tasks there are on your network and then configure the appropriate permissions on security groups. Place your users into these groups and you have a fast and efficient means of passing these permissions down to them. It’s also very important to create and enforce a consistent naming convention for all objects in your organization, such as lastnamefirstname for a user’s account. By doing so, any administrator (and even some of your power users) will be able to quickly identify any object in your organization by looking at its name. This rule applies to any object, servers, workstations, printers, shares, etc. As well, consider using template accounts if you find yourself creating many user accounts through the GUI. If you find yourself creating user accounts from the command line, consider creating a script to automate the process for you. Anything you can do to save time and increase efficiency is always a plus. Q: What are the most important areas to consider in planning, setting up, and maintaining Group Policy? A: Like most other areas, you need to plan effectively and identify your needs. Group Policy is somewhat forgiving if you don’t get it right the first time, but with the great tools available now such as the Resultant Set of Policy, you should never end up implementing a bad policy on a production network. Group Polices should be applied in a hierarchy, going from the least specific at the top of network, getting more and more specific as you delve deeper into your organizations structure. The most specific, and restrictive, Group Policies should be applied to Organization Units that actually contain objects, such as users, servers or workstations. Q: Describe an effective networking expert. A: As I have many times already, it is that administrator never stops learning and never thinks they know it all. A good networking expert is one who knows his stuff, but is not afraid to admit when he does not know something and then goes out and locates the required information. The bottom line is this: No one can know the answer all the time, but make sure you at least know where to look! Q: What should our readers be looking for when evaluating certification courseware? A: The first and most important thing when buying any type of certification preparation material is that you should make sure the company is well respected and stands behind their products. Too many fly by night companies have popped up in the past few years that I would not trust at all. If the company has a phone number and address on their Web site, that is usually a good first step. Ask around and see what other people have to say about the vendor as well. Lastly, anything that seems to good to be true…usually is. Q: Who should read your latest books? Why should our readers carefully study your books and what uniquely differentiates them from others in the market? A: Anyone who is looking to pass exams for their MCSA, MCSE or MCDST should consider reading them. One of the most common comments people have made to be about my writing style is that’s it’s a little easier to understand that I tend to provide more information than is required, especially in my sidebars. My goal when writing a certification book is to get you past that specific exam and provide you with a reference book you might consider placing on your bookshelf for usage later. I put a lot effort into my writing, interpreting what I have read and seen first hand, and putting that into words that demystify the confusing aspects of certification. Q: What are the five most compelling issues facing network administrators and system integrators today and in the future? How can they be resolved? A: 1) Security. Constant vigilance is required to keep your network secure. 2) Funding. This is a tough one that is not going to go away for at least 18-24 months still from what I can see. We are in a spending upswing, but nothing anywhere near where we were say 5 years ago or so. 3) Lack of qualified personnel. Even though the certification vendors are taking proactive steps to prevent paper certifications from occurring, too many people just do not have the skills to perform the tasks they are certified for. 4) Lack of enough personnel. With spending down, budgets for IT staffing have been cut. Too often now, administrators find themselves doing the jobs of two or three other administrators. This results in a higher chance of problems, including successful attacks on the network, as the administrators attention is split amongst too many things at one time. 5) Too many solutions. Every time you turn around, a new vendor has brought out a new solution to a problem—sometimes for problems that you did not even know existed. It’s quite easy to get overwhelmed by this situation if you do not take the time to determine first what your needs are before you go looking for a solution. As well, it’s usually a mistake to jump on the “brand new and really cool” bandwagon if you really do not have a need for a particular item, be it hardware, software or other. Q: List the ten best resources for IT professionals. A: 1) Google! Hands down, Google! is the single best resource I think. While there is a lot of junk out there, if you are looking for something, Google! is going to most likely have it. 2) Microsoft TechNET. I’d say over 95% of the documentation that Microsoft has ever produced is on TechNET somewhere…all of it indexed and available for free if you can find it. This is one area where Google! shines as they have a Microsoft specific search engine. 3) The Microsoft Resource Kits. While all of this content is available for free on TechNET, I like to have real books in my hands. With as much time as I spend looking at a monitor writing and such, I don’t want to have to read off of one, so I always buy the hard copies of the Resource Kits. 4) Trade publications. There are plenty of general and specific trade publications out there, just take a trip to your local bookseller and see which ones interest you. These are good for keeping up to date on new things that don’t get a lot of coverage elsewhere. As well, they often have insightful interviews with people who are shaping the future of the industry. 5) Your peers. No one person can ever know all there is to know about networking, but when you get three or four other people around and start talking you’d be surprised what you can learn. As an example, some of my best friends in this business include people who know WLAN inside and out, Novell inside and out, Cisco inside and out, etc…I think you get the point. 6) Conferences and other events. If you can get to any of these events, such as Tech Mentor or Black Hat, do so. These are the places where you will have the chance to meet and talk to more people from more backgrounds than anywhere else. Just getting to see the presentations can often times make these trips worthwhile. 7) Local user groups. Not every area has a user group, but if you have one in your area that pertains to something you’re interested in, consider joining up. This provides just one more means to gain the insight of countless other people who are doing the same things you are…but in a different way. 8) Web sites. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Web sites out there that are all trying to do the same basic thing: present information to you that you can use. Many of these Web sites also have discussion forums and original articles that you will not find published anywhere else. Again, this is just one more way to see how other people are handling problems. 9) Classroom training. While this can be costly, it can also be beneficial if you do not have the means to learn about a particular skill set in your current environment. Not many of us have full-blown networks that we can just go in and “tinker” with because we want to learn a bit about something. Often times, good training centers will have just what you need to practice in a safe environment…and knowledgeable instructors who can guide you along the way. 10) Other vendors’ Web sites. Every vendor has a Web site full of information and free documentation that you should be taking advantage of. I myself frequently browse through Cisco’s and Red Hat’s Web sites, reading their library of documents. Q: Now provide us with those valuable rare “tips” that only you know. A: Gee, I don’t know that I have any little golden nuggets that no one else is privy to. The one most important thing that I cannot ever say enough of is never stop learning, never stop bettering yourself…not just in your professional life, but also in your personal and family life. You’ll be the winner when all is said and done if you always keep striving to improve and learn. Q: What are the most important trends to watch, and please provide some recommendations? A: Personally I always like to keep an eye on the big vendors, such as Microsoft, Cisco and Apple to name a few. You have to be aware of where the technologies are going and who is driving them. Security is one of the key areas that you have to be attentive to as more often than not the bad guys are paying very close attention to what’s going on with the operating systems and applications you’re running. Spending trends are also of key importance as we all search for the end of the DOT COM bust days. Q: What kind of computer setup do you have? A: We have a wide variety of computers here. My main lab network consists of four custom built PCs running various versions of Windows with various other applications installed on them. These PCs have swappable hard drives so that I can change their configuration very quickly…and it beats multi-booting, which I am not a big fan of. The test lab PCs get built, used and “blown up” several dozen times a year--which is another reason I have swappable hard drives in them, as I can just put all of the old ones aside and rebuild them as I have time. Our actual production network is a mixed network with Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 and Macintosh OS X 10.3 Jaguar machines. Of course, the Windows machines are mine, with the servers being our domain controllers/DNS servers and file/print/DHCP servers. The Windows XP Professional machine is what I do all of my writing and gaming on and the Macintosh’s are what my wife uses for graphic design and to run the financials for the business. There are also three Linux machines that I put on the network from time to time for specific tasks as well as two Windows XP Professional laptops and one Macintosh iBook. We are all tied together via both wired and wireless networks. Overall, it looks like the back end of a computer store. One of my cats has taken to playing with the network cable that goes to one of the laptops as it hangs free on one side of my desk. Q: If you had to do it all over again…? A: I think I’d be smarter about the number and complexity of projects that I take on. Most days I have anywhere between three and six book projects going on and it gets to be very difficult trying to stay up to date on all of them and still produce a top quality product that people will want to not only purchase, but recommend to someone else. Q: What drives you to do what you do? A: I love the technology and I really enjoy helping others succeed. Q: Will, we enjoyed your insightful answers since they provided a deep picture into your articles, study guides, and books. Thank you again for your time, and consideration in doing this interview. A: Thanks for asking me to do this interview. I really enjoy doing what I do and I am always happy to share any knowledge I may have with others. |